Monday, March 7, 2011

Manic Monday: all the time I need

"We never shall have any more time.
We have, and we have always had, all the time there is."

~Arnold Bennett, How to Live on 24 hours a day
(found in Slow Down and Get More Done by Marshall Cook)

I was awake before the kids this morning. For some reason I thought it would be the perfect morning to create a flyer for my business. Only to realize I needed some serious graphic design skills that I do not have. Then I thought I should update some information on my web site. And I sort of deleted my website. But then I found it. Right at the time that I was supposed to be headed out the door to officially start Manic Monday doings. I had forgotten to eat, was still in my pajamas, and I had not even started to prep and plan the day for my kids.

Oh, the mess I am! I quickly got dressed and gulped down a protein drink. I must have ran up and down my steps 8 times remembering, forgetting and then remembering again all the things I needed to have on hand to actually get my to-do list done today.

How did it get to be 12:41 pm already?!?

Well, here I am. Thankful beyond belief for a space in my schedule, not only to get things done, but time to figure out what it is that I really need to get done.

Some of the tips I am learning on how to focus and accomplish things in my crazy life:

1. when I think of projects, ideas, etc. write them down on a list, don't dive right into the project
2. look at my calendar and find spaces of time to dedicate to those particular projects
3. write down people's names next to those projects in which I may need their expertise
4. do some research and know exactly what I want before I purchase products and services
5. realize that there are only so many hours a day (even on Manic Monday). I can choose to use this time to work on a project OR catch up on several little things on my to-do list. I cannot do both.

Today is a little to-do list kind of day.

To do Today:

1. send of an important payment
2. make some bank deposits
3. calculate mileage for 2010
4. schedule a time and list resources for creating flyer
5. follow up on several emails regarding new office space
6. read today's chapter in
Five Minutes on Monday

Although I am kind of "wishing it was Sunday because that is my fun day," I am also learning that (in Hebrew) the word for work is also the word for prayer.

"Both {prayer and work} are seen as instruments of personal and social change which, when operated in harmony, reinforce each other. Just as we pray for the blessing of spiritual sustenance, we work for the blessing of physical sustenance."
Five Minutes on Monday by Alan Lurie)

Whether you are spending your Manic Monday working on a big project or attending to important details, I pray that your work brings harmony and sustenance to all areas of your life!

1 comment:

Monique said...

wanting all your books lately. maybe i can come to the jenny lending library instead of amazon? :)