Monday, February 21, 2011

Manic Monday: write my story

"Don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer." ~ Barbara Kingsolver

Over Christmas break my kids got into a discussion on the best memories of their childhood. It was a very sweet time to listen to the little things that meant the most to them, but it was also amusing to me to think that my 9 and 11 year old were reflecting on their childhood as if it is over. When does our life become our story?

Unwritten Travels was created (and titled accordingly) to provide a context for writing the story of your life. We are so busy living and doing and becoming that sometimes we don't realize our life has been weaving a story behind us. The other Jenny and I love calling out those stories in women. We can't wait to hear your story and we can't wait for that "aha" moment when you realize the story your life has been telling you, telling the world. It is a beautiful moment. It is why we do what we do.

So, imagine my surprise when the other Jenny asked me to tell my story to a group of women next week. I immediately starting trying to figure out what do other people would want to hear from me. I am thankful to come across Ms. Kingsolver's quote this morning. She is challenging me to tell my story because it truly is all I have to offer.

To do today:

~write my story!

Here is some inspiration from Chapter Five: A Walk Down Memory Lane
just in case you are feeling brave enough to write your story today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Manic Monday: what I can Love about today

"In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."
~Janos Arany

Valentine's is my favorite day of the year and not one I would normally spend "getting things done" but, it is Monday so I decided just because I don't LOVE what I have to do today, I can LOVE where I am and what I drink while I cross off those pesky things on my list.

All things Manic today are getting done at Starbuck's with a cup of Verona in my hand.

To do Today:

get information about a new insurance (almost as lovely as taxes)
send out a reminder note about our upcoming PLAYSHOP!
(Our first PlayShop of the year is only ONE week away!)
review my schedule for the week
confirm appointments
reschedule dentist and carpet cleaner (because I had overbooked my week)
prioritize Manic Monday Missions for the rest of February

My computer is now running on reserve battery power.
Next week I will add bring all power cords to my list!

Much Love to You and Yours Today!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Manic Monday: balancing budgets and taxes

"Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.
Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it.
That is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear."
~Dale Carnegie

I could hardly type the word budget with out gulping. Numbers scare me. I don't really know how to make sense of them. Unfortunately, they are woven into every area of my life. I must make sense of them. Without my numbers in order how do I know if I have met my goals for last year? How can I know if it is even possible for me to accomplish what I have set out for myself this year?

Today's Manic Monday Mission is to get all of my income and expenses organized and ready for April. This is also the day I review my budget for this year and create a regular "check in" for balancing all of my accounts.

One of the questions I asked myself last week was "Who can I contact to help me?" The things I fear doing the most are the things I am not good at. Rather than put them off until the night before (paying extra fees, of course), I will seek out support and wisdom from professionals who can help me.

I have a wonderful tax man. And I have (gulp) scheduled an appointment with him. But, I also need help getting ready for the tax man. So, I have called my wonderful friend who is very good with numbers and very patient with me. She is coming over this week to hold my hand as we wade through the piles of paper that I fear the most.

To do Today:
1. get all papers in order to review and analyze on Wednesday.
2. thank God for friends who are good at things that I am not!
3. be done with the thing I fear the most this first week of February

Saturday, February 5, 2011

PlayShop Schedule for 2011

Who Needs a PlayShop?

Women who want to give of themselves without losing who they were created to be.

Women who want to connect with other women in a way that is meaningful, life-giving and fun.

Women who answer, "I don't know,"

when asked, "What do you want? What do you need? What do you love?"

Don't let the word PLAY fool you! You won't believe how much you will learn about yourself while having a very good time. You might even practice some Laugh Therapy!

This year we are offering several PlayShops through the year in the

Nashville/Brentwood/Franklin areas.

Read through the descriptions below and find the sessions that speak to your challenges, your personality and your longings.

PlayShops are led by Jenny Black, MMFT and Jenny Watson, Life Coach.

Session One: Who Are You?

Tuesday, February 22nd

Choose from the 9-12 AM session or the 6-9 PM session

Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)

Location: Brentwood (directions will be sent at registration)

You know about your physical DNA, now discover the DNA of your desires, your heart, and your soul. Find out what you love and what makes you smile. Get the answer to the questions you’ve asked yourself for years. “So that’s why I do that!” "So that’s why I feel that way!” "So that’s why that bugs me so much!” This PlayShop will give you a place to connect with yourself so that you are able to be your true Self in your relationships, your work and your community.

Session Two – When can you fit it all in?

Tuesday, March 15th

Choose from the 9-12 AM session or the 6-9 PM session

Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)

Location: Brentwood (directions will be sent at registration)

Is your life so full that it is spilling all over the place? Discover how to show up in your own life. We will take a look at the 24/7 that you’ve been given. Learn to schedule what you love into your day. Who are the people that you want to make time for? Learn the difference between “Time Management” and “Choice Management.” In this PlayShop you will become aware of just how extraordinary even the ordinary can be!

Session Three – What do you believe?

Tuesday, April 12th

Choose from the 9-12 AM session or the 6-9 PM session

Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)

Location: Brentwood (directions will be sent at registration)

What do your beliefs actually mean to your life? The quiet places of your soul are easy to rush past in the busy-ness of life. Find out how and why to create sacred space so that your soul can thrive. In this PlayShop you will investigate what you really believe about the creator of your soul and identify the promises that are written on your heart.

Session Four – Why do you waffle and waver?

Why aren’t you "fulfilled?" Why do you have conflicts with others?

June (exact date TBA)

Choose from the 9-12 AM session or the 6-9 PM session

Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)

Location: TBA

Life is full of tough choices. When you become intentional about your vaules, you can begin to live in harmony with who you are created to be. In this PlayShop you will identify the personal rules you live by and the rules you have for others. You will take a look at your personal compass and see how it is directing your life.

Session Five – Where did you come from? Where do you want to go from here?

August (exact date TBA)

Choose either the 9-12 AM session or the 6-9 PM session

Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)

Location: TBA

Your past does not have to define you, but it is where your story begins. If you try to get through life with out an appreciation for the entire experience of your background, you will stop your own growth and pass on the same story to the generations that come after you. In this PlayShop you will determine how your past has prepared you for your present and decide what legacy you want to leave. Today is someone’s yesterday. Examine your beginning to see how it impacts your now. Redeem it for your future.

Session Six* – How can you connect what you now know about yourself with the demands of real life?

September (exact date TBA)

Choose either the 9-12 AM session or the 6-9 PM session

Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)

Location: TBA

*prerequisite for this class: must have already attended a PlayShop

You know what you want. You know what you need, but you can't figure out how to fit YOU in between meetings and laundry. In this PlayShop you will develop a vision for your life and learn how to get the support you need in order to make your vision a reality.

Session Seven: PlayShop Leadership Training

October (exact date TBA)

9am-3pm (there will be an afternoon lunch break)

Cost: $325 (includes snacks, supplies and complete curriculum)

Location: TBA

*prerequisite for this class: must have already attended a PlayShop

You think you would be great at leading a PlayShop. In this PlayShop Leadership Training, you will get all the information and the curriculum that you need to start leading PlayShops (and share the fun!) in your community.

To Register:

  1. send an email to
  2. include your name, address, phone number and which sessions you are attending.
  3. visit (click on PLAY to find the links) and make your payment online.
  4. your place in our PlayShops will be reserved once payment has been received. (Limit 12 persons per session).
  5. you will then receive confirmation of your PlayShop Session with all necessary information for your particular session.