~Claude Debussy
My world has never had so much volume than in these past few days. Christmas was full of laughter, music, food, and so many people I love dearly. Yet I wake up this morning to complete silence. My son is sick. My daughter is with her grandma and my husband is away at his grandma's funeral. This is one of those times when the music of my life is made sacred by the silence. When I realize how very rich I am.
Tonight we are having a big family party to celebrate my brother and his beautiful new wife. In just a few hours, it will be so manic around here. But in this quiet moment, I know that my life is not made up of a million things to check off of my to-do list. It is made up of a million people who love me and who I love. We cook together, clean together, play games together, we sing together. We celebrate life together.
To do today:
~remember Granny
~dispense medicine to my sick boy
~vacuum floors
~process credit card information
~love well
My prayer for you today is that you know you how much you are loved. That you realize your to-do list is not what defines you. I hope that you (and I!) can look up from our lists to see all the love that surrounds us.
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