Friday, February 6, 2009

the master proof

Isn't it the best thing to get a package in the mail?

Even though most deliveries these days are fat envelopes with home insurance papers or updates on our ever dwindling investments, I still get hopeful that maybe this time, the postal worker will bring me a special delivery.

Today, he did.

On my front porch this afternoon, I found a package that housed the master proof for our book cover. On the big beautiful photo paper is a true to size print out of our cover. At the top is a sticker that instructs us to sign and return. We must OK it for content, color guidance, and corrections. They want ME to okay it.

I don't actually know what this is or why this step is so important in printing a book, but I am learning to trust the process.

1 comment:

Sunshine Eyes said...

I always hated being told by the design dept, "this is your LAST proof", told with an ominous you-better-catch-every-single-mistake sort of tone.

The color proofing stage was very important when we were working with vegetables - bob had to be tomato red, not cherry or fire. Larry had to be cucumber green, not kelly or lime. It was like life and death to some! :)