What only those closest to me know is that as much as I am social, I value my time alone more. I really like thinking and listening to my inner voice and truthfully don’t always want to share myself with anyone else. Jenny Ellen’s daughter says that everyone is her best friend; my daughters state the same thing about me. Why are we able to have many sincerely wonderful relationships? Partly it is because we spend time with and like ourselves first. Sound like a narcissist? I hope not, because part of the motivation for writing Unwritten Travels is to encourage others to be their own best friends.
Thinking recently about the process of turning our pages into a physical thing, I realized why people love their blogs. Elizabeth gave our book art. Don & Chris made it a thing of beauty. Ann helped make it understandable. Kevin worked on getting it printed and Mandy is at the plant making sure that the books get delivered. Charlie is working on the website. Another Don is getting us hooked up so people can buy the book online safely. Yes, Jenny and I wrote the book, but how many people worked together to turn it into a reality? How many people have their fingerprints all over it?
I have started to read blogs and think I am beginning to get it. As I try to turn the thoughts and dreams that I think about in solitude into realities, blogs give me the potential to have many fingerprints on my own life. I can learn from the experiences and lessons others share, the interconnectedness. So, thank you to all of you bloggers. I hope you can be encouraged in your own life by the fact that Jenny and I set out to do something we knew very little about but had a passion for, and we are delightfully seeing it through to completion. Thank you also for sharing this first day of my blogging honeymoon. – Jenny Ann
I hope you know that I am so proud that you are my mom! I can't wait to have my own copy so that I can start on the full-length journey, (instead of taking sneak-peaks and envious glances!) It's so exciting that your dream is finally becoming a reality. I love you and am very proud of you!
I hope you know that I am so proud that you are my mom! I can't wait to have my own copy so that I can start on the full-length journey, (instead of taking sneak-peaks and envious glances!) It's so exciting that your dream is finally becoming a reality. I love you and am very proud of you!
I hope you know that I am so proud that you are my mom! I can't wait to have my own copy so that I can start on the full-length journey, (instead of taking sneak-peaks and envious glances!) It's so exciting that your dream is finally becoming a reality. I love you and am very proud of you!
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