Session Four – Why do you waffle and waver?
Why aren’t you "fulfilled?"
Why do you have conflicts with others?
Tuesday June 21, 2011
9:30-12 AM
Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)
Location: The Mooreland House, Brentwood TN
(directions will be sent with registration confirmation)
Life is full of tough choices.
When you become intentional about your values you can begin to live in harmony with who you are created to be. In this PlayShop you will identify the personal rules you live by and the rules you have for others. You will take a look at your personal compass and see how it is directing your life.
Session Five – Where did you come from?
Where do you want to go from here?
Tuesday August 23rd, 2011
9:30-12 AM
Cost: $55 (includes themed snack and supplies)
Location: The Mooreland House, Brentwood TN
(directions will be sent with registration confirmation)
Your past does not have to define you, but it is where your story begins. If you try to get through life with out an appreciation for the entire experience of your background, you will stop your own growth and pass on the same story to the generations that come after you. In this PlayShop you will determine how your past has prepared you for your present and decide what legacy you want to leave. Today is someone’s yesterday. Examine your beginning to see how it impacts your now. Redeem it for your future.
To register for the PlayShops email us at include your name, email, mailing address, phone number, and the session number(s) you want to attend. Each session has a 5 person minimum and a 12 person maximum.
Payment must be received in order to hold your place.
Click HERE to send your payment for your PlayShop. Click on the PLAY tab and you will click on the note that says "Reserve your spot."
We cannot wait to get started on all the fun with you.