I slept through the night much better when Unwritten Travels was safely tucked inside of my laptop. As I mentioned earlier, it is currently at the printers, soon to be PRINTED. Along with all of the excitement that comes from "getting it out there" is the terror that I might have missed something important. On more than one occasion, I have awoken in the middle of the night, suddenly realizing that we've repeated ourselves in two different chapters or remembering that we did not thank Jane Doe in our acknowledgments.
And thank goodness! Because the book had not yet gone to print.
Yesterday, the other Jenny asked me if we had caught a particular error before we sent it off to the presses. A GLARING ERROR.
We had not. We had two different names for the final chapter of the book. Darn that Chapter Six. We went back and forth on what to call it. And forgot to change it in the table of contents.
After forty-seven edits. We missed it.
Good news. We still have one more round of edits.
That was a close one.
Do you think I will sleep better tonight?
I will.
Not because our mistake can be corrected, but because really, how serious is the GLARING error in the big ole' picture of life? Yes, people might think, who are these silly women who think they can write a book when they can't even keep their chapters straight?
We are two wives and moms who are getting more comfortable every day with making mistakes.
This isn't the first time we have mixed up chapters in our lives. And the more daring we get, the more mistakes we will make.
How do you respond when you make a mistake? Do you laugh? Cry? Confess?
Attempt cover up? Hide under your blankets?
Wrap yourself up in the comfort that mistakes mean you are daring to grow.
And thank goodness! Because the book had not yet gone to print.
Yesterday, the other Jenny asked me if we had caught a particular error before we sent it off to the presses. A GLARING ERROR.
We had not. We had two different names for the final chapter of the book. Darn that Chapter Six. We went back and forth on what to call it. And forgot to change it in the table of contents.
After forty-seven edits. We missed it.
Good news. We still have one more round of edits.
That was a close one.
Do you think I will sleep better tonight?
I will.
Not because our mistake can be corrected, but because really, how serious is the GLARING error in the big ole' picture of life? Yes, people might think, who are these silly women who think they can write a book when they can't even keep their chapters straight?
We are two wives and moms who are getting more comfortable every day with making mistakes.
This isn't the first time we have mixed up chapters in our lives. And the more daring we get, the more mistakes we will make.
How do you respond when you make a mistake? Do you laugh? Cry? Confess?
Attempt cover up? Hide under your blankets?
Wrap yourself up in the comfort that mistakes mean you are daring to grow.