Wednesday, September 15, 2010

what's inside?

Well, we took the dare! Melinda made the suggestion that we reveal to you the inside of our fridge. Make sure to check out her blog.

The fridge that will inspire you to whip up a snack:

my 3 favorite things (jenny w.) - fake cucumber slices chilled to put on my eyelids
leftover spaghetti that tastes even better the second time around.
pepperjack cheese and garlic stuffed olives

I am almost embarrassed about my refrigerator. It really isn't that messy ever, but it because I'm into "systems." Every Wed. morning our trash comes, so every Tuesday night or Wed. morning, I throw out anything old and kind of visually inventory what we have. Also, have a separate frig in the garage and a separate freezer in the pantry, so I am set on refrigerator and freezer space.

And here's the fridge that will inspire you to order out:

So, here's mine (jenny b)...I hope you will still come over to my house for dinner sometime:

My 3 favorite things:
hint water (no sweetener just a hint of raspberry/lime or cucumber)
trader joe's turkey bacon
coke zero

What is the most surprising, disturbing or unusual thing inside your fridge?

Come on, we showed you ours :)


blooming in autumn said...

Woops, wish I'd removed the Red Bull. That was supposed to be a secret vice every once in a while. I guess the secret is out:)

Anonymous said...

This is so hilarious! The contents of our refrigerators very much reflect our personalities. You won't see many sweets in my fridge because we eat them all as soon as we buy them. However, I have about 7 eggplants from the Farmer's Market that I don't know how to use. It's easier to eat the ice cream...

Melinda Speece said...

A friend came over one Sunday night (store day is Monday), looked in the fridge, and said, "Are you guys in college?" No, we are responsible adults/parents of three children. "Um, then why do you only have beer, water, and eggs in here?"